Our Pet Manners Program is designed to develop dogs who are happy, confident companions! You’ll train your puppy or adult dog to perform all the basic behaviors and get solid strategies for common problems. You and your dog will learn to work together as a team, able to handle the challenges of real life AND building the foundation for more advanced fun like Agility, Rally, Therapy, Tricks and more! We also have day training options where our professional trainers do the training for you.
Puppies 16 Weeks and Under
Great Puppy Day School
Great Puppy Day School is our program exclusively tailored for young puppies to work extensively with our talented, professional trainers. Pups spend 4 half-days per week for 4 weeks at our facility learning all the basics and more!
Puppies and Dogs 16 Weeks and Over Manners Boot Camp
Manners Boot Camp is our program designed for older puppies and adult dogs to work directly with our talented, professional trainers. Dogs spend 4 full days per week at our facility in this 3 week program.