
We are pleased to now offer Online Agility Study Hall!

Anytime – Anywhere
What is it? Online Study Hall is taking our in-person agility a-la-carte class and conducting lessons online! Join others in a private Facebook Class Room where you will upload videoed training sessions of you and your dog in order to troubleshoot absolutely anything you’ve been working on! From foundations with puppies, to weave training, to coaching through Masters Level handling – we can do it all. 
WAGD Head Agility Trainer, Meagan Johnson, will observe your training sessions or agility runs and provide thoughtful and thorough feedback accompanied by supportive docu-

ments, demo videos, and other resources. Are you looking for new ways to challenge yourself at home? Have you ran out of things to try? Meagan can design small space sequences just for your space with you and your dog’s needs in mind. You can also rent one of WAGD’s rings and video your time there. 

This is great for those whose schedules don’t line up with the in-person classes being offered. Being part of an online community will also allow you access to other materials provided for other students. You can learn by observing others just like you would in an in-person class! Stay in the class as long as you like. 

$120 per month

Your Instructors