Is your dog constantly on the prowl for squirrels, moles and any other critters that appear in your backyard? If so, they should be a natural for the fun sport of Barn Hunt. This dog sport requires little prior training. It is based on the hunting and teamwork skills historically used by “rat catchers,” who rid farms of vermin. Dogs and handlers work as a team to locate and mark rats (safe inside their aerated tubes) hidden in a maze of straw bales. This is a sport that all breeds and breed mixes enjoy! This program is offered in our facility in our dedicated Barn Hunt Ring, the ideal indoor setting to practice this fun activity.
Barn Hunt 101
This four-week class is the perfect introduction to the sport for either handlers or dogs who are new to Barn Hunt.
Barn Hunt 102
This class builds on the 101 class, developing hunting skills and introducing higher level tunnels and hide locations.
Barn Hunt Advanced (Ongoing)
At this level of Barn Hunt, we will be working at each dog’s individual level to develop and work skills necessary for them to compete at trials.
Barn Hunt Specialty Classes
Looking to up your game? These special, single session classes focus on particular elements of Barn Hunt.
Barn Hunt Practice Sessions
These single session group classes are a great way for experienced teams to get in some extra practice!