
Julie Prigmore teaches Nose Work classes at What a Great Dog!  She has enjoyed all forms of dog sports for over 37 years, competing and titling in conformation, obedience, agility, fast cat competitions and coursing. She has also achieved certifications in working aptitude, CGC, and Nose Work. Julie has handled and finished multiple champions, Doberman Pinschers, Alaskan
Malamutes and Tibetan Spaniels in the breed classes, but to her, the most rewarding moments involve training with and working beside a dog to achieve its peak performance at sporting abilities.
She admires a structurally sound dog and loves to see dogs of every breed achieve success in whatever job they were bred to do.

Julie began scent work with her own dogs in 2021 and fell in love with the sport. It thrills her to see dogs performing with different techniques, and even more importantly, watching the exciting aspects of the communication between dog and handler, and the ever-evolving bond that develops and grows as each team works together. She has been competing in nose work since 2022 with her Dobermans, Shine and Charlie and trains under Ellen Heavner. She competes in AKC, UKC, and NACSW.