Pam joined the WAGD team in 2019, bringing extensive knowledge of both training and competing in Barn Hunt. She has been an integral part of launching Barn Hunt at WAGD. She is teaching all levels of Barn Hunt at WAGD
Pam began training and competing in dog sports with her miniature schnauzer Lucy in 2012. Lucy has earned numerous titles in various agility venues including 2 championships in TDAA agility. Pam has also trained, competed and titled Lucy in Nose Work and earned her CGCA and Intermediate Trick Dog titles. Pam started in the sport of Barn Hunt at the sport’s inception. She is co-founder of North Texas Barnhunters, the local barn hunt club and has served on the board for the past 6 yrs as well as serving on the National committee for the 3 yrs that the club hosted the Barn Hunt National. Pam was a National Judge for the first National held in Mo in 2014 and was recently a National Judge for the 2019 Barn Hunt National.
Pam has been a Barn Hunt judge since 2014 and has traveled across the country to judge in various clubs. She’s also a club and judge mentor for the BHA. She has been teaching barn hunt classes since 2015 and has developed training methods aimed at enhancing the dog’s natural hunting as well as teaching handlers how to read their dog’s indicators. All dogs hunt differently in Barn Hunt and Pam adapts her classes to fulfill each dog’s individual needs.
She currently competes in Barn Hunt with her three dogs. Lucy and Katniss are miniature schnauzers and Ante is a Russell Terrier. Lucy currently has earned her RATCHX3 which is 4 Barn Hunt championships and is over halfway to her RATCHX4. She’s also earned her CZ8PS title with is 3000 Crazy 8s points. Katniss has her Open title. Ante came to live with Pam, Lucy and Katniss at the end of April 2019. While working on teamwork with Ante she has been competing in Open B and has earned her RATOX title. In her spare time she’s begun running Ante in Earthdog and Lure Coursing.
When she’s not working with dogs Pam is an Account Manager at an electrical enclosure manufacturer. She has 3 grown children as well as a 3 yr old granddaughter.